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Miraculous effect of therapeutic massage for the entire body
Dodane: 2016-02-03 Kategoria: Forma / Salony Kosmetyczne

In the case of therapeutic massasje oslo we are dealing with a combination of classic massage techniques, deep tissue massage, the massage function once the massage section. These techniques are selected individually after prior consultation with the patient. This is a close link with the problem of the patient, who was reported to the massage parlor. Massage therapy acts directly on the skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscles, joints and ligaments. It also has a very large impact on the cardiovascular system, nervous system, endocrine system.

Therapeutic massage not only ideal for back pain

Therapeutic massasje oslo also indirectly affect the work of the internal organs. Miraculously, it relieves tension and muscle pain, nourishes the skin and increases the flexibility and elasticity of muscles. It is widely known that this type of massage treat, and prevent many diseases. In the case of therapeutic massage back and spinal massage therapist all attention is focused on the proper performance of massage whole spine, back muscles, neck muscles and neck muscles. Through massage the spine that occurs paraspinal muscle relaxation and restoring their proper tension, so keep the spine in the correct position. {ST}Therapeutic massage not only ideal for back pain{ST}

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